by Emily Clark
A big Happy Mother’s day to you! Whether you are already a mum or expecting to be a mum, the mum of a fur baby, or play the role of a mum for someone close, you deserve this special day. You are the rock of your family and everything you provide day in day out would never go unnoticed, the time spent providing and loving for your loved ones! You and all Mums are special and take up a big part of our hearts.
As our role as mum becomes busier I’m sure many of you can vouch for the fact that we tend to forget about looking after ourselves. We miss having nutritious meals, we miss going to bed at a good time, we miss getting our workouts in and we miss out on the little luxuries…like time to ourselves or treating ourselves to a mani or pedi (DIY version, of course, these days). But this tends to build up until we feel overwhelmed and lack the energy to look after our own health. Overall women’s fitness and men’s for that matter can easily be neglected when we become parents and yet it should be a vital part of our daily lives to deliver our best and show our families the importance of health and fitness. After all, we always want to set a good example for our little ones who are absolute sponges and shadows of us.

If you are a new mum or have let your own health and fitness slide don’t stress over it. The simplest changes will help pull you back on course. Set your habits and routine early for yourself and stick to it as much as you can. You will notice such a difference and it will set you up for success both for the day and in the long term. If you are having trouble sleeping because of your baby or toddler you still need to find the importance of your own time to stay sane and feel good about yourself. Let’s be honest, life throws curveballs at you, and sometimes your weeks are just thrown out completely. Be ok with that and know that as soon as it settles or you have the opportunity you’ll get back on track and take the time you need for your own sense of balance.
Statistics show that a staggering two-thirds of Australian adults are now categorised as overweight or obese. A huge burden on the individual and a large impact on the way they can live their life. If you feel you might either be slipping into or perhaps already fall into this category the good news is it’s reversible, you are in control of your decisions and actions and can begin taking steps to get your health back on track. A great way to start is by changing any dietary patterns that you know could be better and starting with a form of low impact fitness. Pilates is an excellent low impact and full-body workout to help strengthen and tone (also fabulous for relieving aches and pains) and Cycle is such a great way to burn fat without the impact of walking or running.

If you’re struggling to switch off at night or feeling a little anxious and overwhelmed, try a Vinyasa Yoga or Yin Yoga to help reset the body. Obviously, at the moment with lockdown, you can find these workouts online, enabling you to start right in the comfort of your home, which is actually a bonus for many who are feeling nervous about starting!
We took 5 minutes to have a chat with business owner, Pilates advocate, and mother of two, Michelle, to find out how she looks after herself amongst her busy schedule and how she became a Studio member.
Q: Why are your weekly sessions at The Studio important to you?
A: If I’m being honest, I don’t always feel like it and sometimes I really have to drag myself away from work to make it but I ALWAYS feel amazing afterward. It’s one of the few things I do purely for myself and I always come away feeling a little clearer, stronger, and more aware of my posture.
Q: How did you get started at The Studio?
A: My husband bought me a starter pack on Mother’s Day about 5 years ago for The Studio HQ. I was very apprehensive at first as I have never enjoyed exercising in a group (mainly for fear of not keeping up!). However, I ended up loving my starter sessions (and there is no such thing as keeping up!) and I have kept up 2-3 classes per week ever since (currently online).
Q: How would you describe your journey as a mum?
A: Motherhood has been one of the greatest challenges of my life. I am blessed with two bright, funny, healthy kids who are 2 and 5 years old. I am very lucky that my husband and I equally share the workload at home and as parents. I don’t think you ever get ‘comfortable’ with parenting as it changes so often. Just when you seem to figure out something or pass through a phase, things change! Motherhood has highlighted my strengths and weaknesses – I need to work on my patience and resilience but my honesty and fun-loving nature have helped form a couple of savvy, smart, and hilarious kids. There is definitely no manual on parenting but the most important element is to make time for your relationship and look after yourself.
To partners and children who may take the time to read this, be sure to cherish your mum and loved ones close to you! Show them you care and thank them for the small things that make each day such a success and most of all, show them how much you love them. After all, love makes the world go around.
Mums – A little bit of introspection, answer yourself honestly. Do you take much needed time out each week to run at your best level and look after yourself?
Ready to start moving?
Add some meaningful movement to your day and feel the benefits. Check out our timetable and you’ll find that there’s always a class to suit your lifestyle.